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New Year, Same Awesome You!

by Coach Debbie


Congratulations, you have just finished another year of being absolutely awesome! 


Without a doubt, you conquered fears, drove millions of miles as a mom taxi, kissed a lot of boo boo's, sweated buckets, ate a zillion salads, did 120 rounds of dishes, washed 365 loads of laundry, and got 12 minutes of sleep.


Whew!  Ready to do it all over again?!


Let's rock the new year with goals/resolutions/plans that actually have significance!


Here are some ideas for making the new year your best yet:


* Plan how many hours of family fun to have each week/month.  Have a family meeting about activities to do over the next 12 months.  Dream small with trips to the park and movies, then dream big with discussing adventures and traveling.


* Decide how often you and your man will go on dates.  Go ahead and line up the first 2 with a babysitter before you forget!


*  Map out household chore division.  Who does what to keep the house tidy?  Make the chore chart and buy the stickers -- it's time to have everyone pitch in so Mom does less!


*  Schedule your quiet time with Jesus.  Ideally, every day.  Will you do this at dark thirty, or on your lunch break, once the kids go to bed???  This has eternal value; everything else can wait.


*  How will you take care of yourself this year?  What forms of relaxation and rest can go from dream to reality?  Will this be daily or will it be weekly?  Which days will you exercise?  It is not a luxury, so decide when you can go sit on the back porch with iced tea, or which days are best for a bubble bath, or which months deserve a massage.  Join our Momsanity Sisterhood!


*  Assess your work situation.  Are you prone to work too long at the office?  Do meetings make you miss soccer games?  Are you unable to get an actual lunch break?  See if any tweaks are in order.  Yes, work is important, but it is not THE most important.



You are already awesome, so no need to work on that this year!  Let's be intentional about staying inspired, energetic, and content!


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