
Motherhood, Faith, Fitness, Nutrition. We've got you covered

Sister Spotlight: Jenna Hall

"God is in the business of working miracles! And at this point, I was ready for a miracle with my body."  Meet Jenna Hall, one of our AMAZING Momsanity Sisters who has changed not only her own life, but the lives of our entire Sisterhood!  


Why I chose Momsanity?... It’s REAL

In August of 2016, I was frustrated.  I had just spent my last year living through a strenuous schedule of working part to full time, homeschooling, and attempting to support my family as my husband had been without work from April 2015 through May 2016.  Before this happened, I was committed to my health, eating well, and exercising on a regular basis.  During this slumpy season, my body slumped as well.  My eating and exercise went out the door so I could focus on survival.  

Even though this time for our family was challenging, God carried us through and I knew it was for a season AND a reason.  He allowed us to school our children, sell our home, buy a home, and my husband got a job on the day we closed on our home.  God is in the business of working miracles!  And at this point, I was ready for a miracle with my body.

I felt pretty awful… tired, feeling droopy, just plain worn out.  I missed working out.  I tried walking, some videos, a 7 minute workout app.  But it was not cuttin’ it.  I needed something different.  And I noticed a friend of mine, Pam, who kept drinking BCAA’s (what the heck are those?!?)  and posting her completed Momsanity workouts….

Now let’s pause here.  I was not even remotely considering this for myself.  I am looking at these posts thinking, “There is no way I can join something called Momsanity!  I will die!  I mean isn’t that like one of those awful boot camps or something?”  But I kept seeing Pam post and encourage and keep pounding… and I had to ask about it.  

So I got brave and looked into the CORE Beliefs part of Momsanity where I could read about the program and try out some workouts for free.  I was hooked.  I didn’t know what B’s and H’s were… but I was living them.  Sweating, breathing, lifting, resting… realizing my body needed this so much.  And through it all here were these awesome coaches, cheering me on in the privacy of my home.  (Did I mention before that I once said I would never work out at home?!?... no, well, listen up… I once said that I would never be one who worked out at home.)  

Let me give you an easy way to remember why I chose Momsanity… and maybe you can choose it too!  It’s REAL!

R:  Relevant

It’s relevant to my lifestyle.  As I mentioned before, I can work out athome.  Hey, being a mom is no joke busy!  Littles, kids in school, teens, homeschooling….It’s on all the time.  So I needed something that I could work into this craziness called Mommin’.  (No it ain’t easy!)  
It’s relevant to what my body needs.  Cause what I was doing wasn’t working (walking, videos, my way of eating).  So I decided to follow what someone else suggested.  I got heavier weights as I could and followed an eating plan that made a difference.  


E:  Elevates Jesus

I have not even mentioned that these coaches are Believers in Jesus!  How awesome is that!  Prayer before each workout.  Monthly devotionals, daily and weekly spiritual challenge and encouragement, biblical truth.   

First 5 app:  Coach Emily and Coach Debbie encourage everyone to spend daily time in the Word.  The first 5 app is one way that I chose to recommit my time with Jesus daily.  And it made a tangible difference in my walk with Christ.  I began allowing God to help me see how He works in my life through all things to draw me closer to Himself.  And being in His Word is such a major part of my journey.  

Momsanity elevates God’s grace.  God’s Word says, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”  2 Corinthians 12:9.  My weaknesses (body, mind, word, and deed) allow for God to do HIs mighty work in me.  My lack allows for His gain.  And Momsanity reminds me of this grace.  I am daily reminded that it’s not about me but Him.  I am just a vessel and taking care of this vessel gives God space to fill me with His power.  


A:  Accountability  (I have a background in recovery from emotional struggles so accountability is a big deal to me!)  

Momsanity provides the accountability I needed to get me back into a regular workout routine.  Being a member of the sisterhood allows me to check in on the facebook page and post a workout.  This reminds me that I can keep moving forward and it also encourages other sisters to do the same!  I love it!  Most ladies I have never met, but I love how we can use social media in a positive way to encourage one another and hold each other accountable to staying fit through exercise.  

There is also accountability to pray for one another.  What a blessing it is to share a prayer request with Momsanity sisters… to have ladies praying for me… and to know that I can do the same for another.  


L:  Lifts me Up

It lifts me up by providing a source of self care I need as a wife, mom, and friend.  How can I care for others if I am not caring for me.  Not only do the coaches encourage healthy eating, exercise, and spiritual growth, but they also encourage time for me through rest, relaxation, date nights, and SEX!  (Don’t stop reading here please…)  

It lifts me up by boosting my mood.  I might wake up on the wrong side of the bed, but if I choose a momsanity workout and follow through, my endorphins rise and so does my spirit.  Who doesn’t need a mood lift regularly?!?

And it literally “lifts me up!”  My abs are tighter, my backside is tighter, my legs are tighter… I’m definitely more lifted!  Now it took me the better part of a year to see notable changes but this program (and my willingness to stick with it) has definitely changed my body more than anything else I have done.  

Momsanity has been so REAL for me that I can’t help but share this with anyone who wants to experience change!  Believe me it works if you work it!  So check it out and get REAL!!!